
Email Hosting: Leave it to The Pros

Email is something most of us use on a daily basis (both in business and in our personal lives). Despite the huge growth in social media consumption, email is still one of the main Internet-based activities (along with using a search engine); more than 60% of Internet users send or read an email on a typical day.

Email is an effective communication tool for many businesses. It allows employees of an organization to relay basic information quickly. With one click, a business owner or CEO can send out a memo to the whole company. It can also be used to get a message out to your customers. A company can quickly alert clients to upcoming events or changes in the company or its services. It can also be a great asset for the marketing team. Unlike other forms of marketing, email marketing is inexpensive and allows customers to easily share what they find interesting with friends.

While email services such as Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail are great for personal use, they are not good options for a professional setting. Having a corporate email address is important for your business because it makes you look credible. Anyone can open an email account with the aforementioned services, so people tend to be more wary of business emails using those sites. That said, it is often difficult for businesses, particularly SMBs, to maintain their own email system on-site. Between the investments in equipment, hiring someone to maintain the system and software applications like spam blockers, creating and running an email system can be quite expensive. That is where email hosting comes in. With off-site email hosting, you don’t have to worry about expensive equipment and software. Some other benefits your company may see when using an email hosting service include:

  • Offsite backups- Since your emails are hosted and stored offsite, your important emails will not be lost if your hardware crashes.
  • Security– Hosting your emails offsite can lead to greater technological security. With email hosting services, you are often provided with a filter that makes it easier to catch potential threats such as spam, malware or hacking.
  • Storage space- Hosted email services generally offer businesses flexible storage capacities based on your business’ needs and storage demands.

At IronOrbit, we offer hosted email solutions to our clients using the latest cloud technology. With onthenet Mail, you can access your important business emails from wherever you are and on any device. We also offer SPAM and virus protection features, so you can read your emails without worry. Like the other services we offer, email hosting is available for a low, fixed price.